The list below contains the most recently viewed plants in our database. You can click "more details and pictures" to view all the information/details in our database and more pictures(full resolution/high quality) for the selected plant.
Bamboo / Pleioblastus hindsii Pleioblastus hindsii /  Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 10-15 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Shade

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Beautiful Bamboo / Phyllostachys manii Phyllostachys manii 'Decora'  /  Beautiful Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 20-30 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Black Bamboo / Phyllostachys nigra Phyllostachys nigra  /  Black Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Bory Black Bamboo / Phyllostachys nigra Phyllostachys nigra 'Bory'  /  Bory Black Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Chinese Temple Bamboo / Sinobambusa Sinobambusa 'Tootsik'  /  Chinese Temple Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of over 50 feet ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Morning sun

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Common Bamboo / Bambusa vulgaris Bambusa vulgaris /  Common Bamboo
None Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 40 - 50 feet ; grows in Sun

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Dwarf Variegated Bamboo / Pleioblastus simonii Pleioblastus simonii 'Variegatus'  /  Dwarf Variegated Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 15-20 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Giant Gray Bamboo / Phyllostachys nigra Phyllostachys nigra 'Henon'  /  Giant Gray Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; over 50 feet in height ; with a spread of 20- 30 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Giant Timber Bamboo / Bambusa oldhamii Bambusa oldhamii 'Oscar'  /  Giant Timber Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 15 - 20 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Giant Timber Bamboo / Bambusa oldhamii  Bambusa oldhamii  /  Giant Timber Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; over 50 feet in height ; with a spread of 10 - 15 feet ; grows in Sun

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Golden Bamboo / Phyllostachys aurea Phyllostachys aurea /  Golden Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 20-30 feet in height ; with a spread of 15 - 20 feet

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Golden Square Stem Bamboo / Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Chimonobambusa quadrangularis /  Golden Square Stem Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 15-20 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Hedge Bamboo / Bambusa multiplex Bambusa multiplex /  Hedge Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 10 - 15 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Java Black Bamboo / Gigantochloa atroviolacea Gigantochloa atroviolacea /  Java Black Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; over 50 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Kei-chiku Bamboo / Phyllostachys makinoi Phyllostachys makinoi /  Kei-chiku Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; over 50 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Lemon Lime Bamboo / Bambusa eutuldoides Bambusa eutuldoides /  Lemon Lime Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 20- 30 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Mexican Weeping Bamboo / Otatea acuminata aztecorum Otatea acuminata aztecorum /  Mexican Weeping Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 15-20 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Moso Bamboo / Phyllostachys edulis Phyllostachys edulis 'Bicolor' /  Moso Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 15-20 feet in height ; with a spread of 10 - 15 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Nude Sheath Bamboo / Phyllostachys nuda Phyllostachys nuda  /  Nude Sheath Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Ruscus Bamboo / Shibataea kumasaca Shibataea kumasaca 'Ruscus Bamboo'  /  Ruscus Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; over 50 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Shade, Morning sun

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Shiroshima Bamboo / Hibanobambusa tranquillans Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima'  /  Shiroshima Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 10-15 feet in height ; with a spread of 5 - 10 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Sweetshoot Bamboo / Phyllostachys dulcis Phyllostachys dulcis  /  Sweetshoot Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 15 - 20 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Variegated Bamboo / Bambusa vulgaris Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'  /  Variegated Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 20-30 feet in height ; with a spread of 5 - 10 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Weaver Bambusa textilis 'Scranton'  /  Weaver's Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 20-30 feet in height ; with a spread of 5 - 10 feet ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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Yellow Groove Bamboo / Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys aureosulcata  /  Yellow Groove Bamboo
Evergreen Broadleaf Bamboo ; 30-50 feet in height ; with a spread of 15 - 20 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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