Rhododendron obtusum 'Peach Blow'/Peach Blow Kurume Azalea

Rhododendron obtusum 'Peach Blow' / Rhododendron obtusum 'Peach Blow'
The pink blossoms remind one of the color of peach flowers
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The pink blossoms remind one of the color of peach flowers

When in full flower, the leaves are not easily seen

When closely examined, one can see the deeper pink blotch on the petals

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Scientific Name: Rhododendron obtusum 'Peach Blow'
Common Name: Peach Blow Kurume Azalea
Plant Type: Evergreen
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone: 7, 8, 9 Determine Your Zone
Height: 5-8 feet
Spread: 3 -5 feet
Bloom time: Spring
Flower color: Pink
Light Exposure: Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade
Drainage: Well drained, Moist
Rate of Growth: Moderate
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Low
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: A good pink selection for growing in groups of masses in the landscape or as speecimen plants. It grows to a medium size for azaleas and can be kept to a height of 4-6 feet and an equal spread. They do grow and better and live longer when allow to grow freely and not kept at an artificially low height of 2-3 feet. Those kurumes that are constantly pruned are not long lived.