Clematis 'Warsaw Nike' /Warsaw Nike Clematis

Clematis 'Warsaw Nike'   / Clematis 'Warsaw Nike'
A wonderful spring flowering vine
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A wonderful spring flowering vine

Close-up of the magnificant flowers

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Scientific Name: Clematis 'Warsaw Nike'
Common Name: Warsaw Nike Clematis
Plant Type: Deciduous
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Determine Your Zone
Height: 5-8 feet
Spread: 3 -5 feet
Bloom time: Summer, Fall
Flower color: Purple
Light Exposure: Part Sun
Drainage: Well drained, Moist
Rate of Growth: Moderate
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Low
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: Has large 4-5 inch flowers in June-July and again in September-October. Excellent for growing on fences, walls, and trellises. A relative tame vine that can be easily trained to grow on structures without getting out of control. Fertilize vines in late winter or early spring. When pruning always leave some of previous season's growth with buds.