Medicago intertexta/Calvary Clover, Prickly Medick, Clover

Medicago intertexta / Medicago intertexta
Tri-foliate leaves with red spot in center of each leaflet
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Tri-foliate leaves with red spot in center of each leaflet

Spring growth before flowering

Plant in profile

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Scientific Name: Medicago intertexta
Common Name: Calvary Clover, Prickly Medick, Clover
Plant Type: Deciduous
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Height: 1-2 feet
Spread: 1-2 feet
Bloom time: Spring
Flower color: Yellow
Fruit present: Summer, Fall
Fruit color: Green
Light Exposure: Sun, Morning sun
Drainage: Well drained, Moist
Rate of Growth: Moderate
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Low
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: This annual is native to the Mediterranean region. Each tri- foliate clover leaf has a red spot in the center, signifying the blood of Christ that was shed when he hung on the cross, thus the common name. Spiny seed pods are said to resemble the crown of thorns.